Saturday, June 04, 2011

Elijah's Kindergarten graduation and Andrew's last day of 1st grade

One week ago, Andrew and Elijah celebrated their last day of school for this school year.

Elijah had his Kindergarten graduation ceremony, which was tear-jerking and adorable:

Max's Kinder graduation
Getting his certificate of achievement from his teacher.

Max's Kinder graduation

The sound quality is terrible in this video, but I know that grandparents might want to see it anyway...

At Max's Kinder graduation

Max and his friend at Kinder graduation
With his best friend Eli.

At Max's Kinder graduation

At Max's Kinder graduation

At Max's Kinder graduation

After his graduation ceremony, we went and hung out with Andrew's 1st grade class for a picnic in the grass, a fun cake, and some playground time.

A picnic in the grass on the last day of school

Sparky's class cake on the last day of school

Playing at the playground on the last day of school
Joy and I had been pushing Andrew and his friends, so then Joy suggested that they all push her.

Playing at the playground on the last day of school
Apparently, this is called a "banana split" (Andrew and his little friend Cade.)

Playing at the playground on the last day of school

A fun day, and I can hardly believe that summer break is already here!  (One year ago: Andrew's kinder graduation!)


  1. Jilldarling19739:42 PM

    Congratulations Elijah! Woo-hoo! I'm so glad you had a good year in Kindergarten! You look so handsome in your cap.

  2. a.susie7:50 AM

    Are you kidding? Great-AUNTS wanted to see that video! Awesome Elijah! Have a great summer!

  3. Celeste7:38 AM

    There is nothing so sweet as K graduation!!!
