Tuesday, September 23, 2014


My first day of school is tomorrow.  I was supposed to start at the beginning of this month, but due to several circumstances, the date was extended....I've been looking forward to and dreading this day for so many months now, it's hard to fully put into words how I'm feeling at this moment.

My career choice to be a stay-at-home mother and wife for the past 13 years has included being an anchor here at home for my children and Greg, and so of course I feel so much guilt and anxiety as I prepare to make this huge life-change.

For the past 6 months or so, we've been prepping our children for the upcoming shift.  Working out chore charts, a Big Guy/Little Guy buddy system for homework/meals/chores, lots of conversations about responsibility and taking care of each other, and even brought them to an Open House at my school to show them where I'm going to be putting in so many hours....yet now that it's down to that final day I still can't possibly imagine what the year ahead will look like....

Open House
Cosmetology school open house

...at some point, Elijah got the camera....
Cosmetology school open house

Cosmetology school open house

Cosmetology school open house

I have laid out my black scrubs, packed my lunch, and set my alarm.  So very excited to see what tomorrow brings!

1 comment:

  1. How exciting is this? Enjoy yourself! You'll do great!
