Monday, January 04, 2010

Blog posts: Favorites of 2009

As a whole, you, my dear readers, do not tend to be the Commenting Type. It seems that, by my visitor counter installed on the blog, many people are actually reading, but just not responding with comments. This being said, there have been a few of my posts that have elicited a few comments from the lot of you, especially the ones written about some of our adventures while Greg was deployed. I've gone back through the archives and have compiled this little list of posts that were either most highly commented on, or else were my personal favorites. Some of these are funny, some were written in the midst of dark moments. Oh dear, it's been quite a journey. I hope that you enjoy this little walk back through our past year. (Each of these categories has posts arranged by date, and I've taken the liberty to include a few from 2008 when Greg first deployed.)

My birthday letters to the children (and anniversary post):
Happy Birthday Lavella!
To My Dearest Elijah
Happy (very, very, very belated) birthday, Andrew!
Happy birthday, Jonah
8th Anniversary

Adventures with the children that weren't funny at the time, but made for good stories later:
And Then I Was Pulled Over For Drunk Driving
Proud New Momma
Spring Fever
Well then, that was exciting

Beauty All Around
Self-discipline and learning the art of a peaceful day
A year
Welcome home my love
To homeschool or not to homeschool: our family's choice

If you have a favorite post that I haven't mentioned here, speak up in the comments. I'd love to know if you've been amused, encouraged, or otherwise engaged by our blog in this past year.

Tomorrow I will post links to some blogs written by other mothers that I've been inspired by or otherwise enjoyed in the past year.


  1. a.susie7:34 PM

    Yeah, I hate when I get no comments, even though I should realize from my own responses that people DO enjoy reading even if they don't comment on it. Anyway...always love your posting. Blogs are SUCH a great way to keep in tuned even when you have very little actual contact with people. I hope to have a lot of project posting in the very near future. Haven;t even shared my this years Christmas gift projects yet!

  2. I always get bummed about never getting any comments from the slew of people reading my blog!

    These are some awesome posts! I've been stuck on the couch since I got home from work due to a mysterious back injury and these have definitely kept me entertained. Well done!
