I'm very happy with the way it turned out. It's always nice when something fits well after all of the hours it takes to complete it.
Elijah would have gotten the credit for these pictures -- I set the camera up on the tripod, and was going to have him push the trigger button. However, he was very distressed when he realized that his paper airplane was not going to be featured in the shots (long story, and it won't make much sense if I explained it), so he was having some stormy moments. Thank God for the timer setting. Oh dear.
Apparently, they also used the camera themselves while I was inside putting my sweater on.

Elijah's been sick for the past two days with puke, etc., so he's been home instead of going to school. I've tried to make our days as gentle and nurturing as possible to help speed his recovery, and we've enjoyed many books, videos and cuddles together. There have also been some manic moments, but that's to be expected.
He did manage to take this picture of a hat that I just finished.

The jury's still out on whether I should actually wear it or not, but the important thing is that it's warm and soft.

And in a hat, that's probably what really matters, after all.
That sortof hat only flies in
the most stylish of
Looove the black sweater and the hat and the kid pics!
Beautiful knitting, Faith!
Great pictures. Love the hat and cardi.
You did a beautiful job with your sweater and the hat. The hat I think is really cute Faith! Wow you are so creative in so many things!!
Kathy Williams :>
Love the cardigan and the hat! Someday I will work my knitting skills up the point of making a cardi. First, I will work on socks and hats and scarfs!
That last comment was from me, Sara. I must have forgotten to put in my name!
That sortof hat only flies in
the most stylish of
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