On December 18th, you turned 3 years old. This has been quite a year for you. You started school two days a week, and are thriving in the social aspect, learning new things about friends as well as your shapes and colors and letters.

Showing off our decorated pumpkin display for autumn (the sparkle pumpkin is the one you made in your class at school)
On the days that you do not have school, you have been learning (very slowly) to make your own fun and keep yourself occupied when you are at home with me.

Eating breakfast together.
You are my little buddy. You help me cook and bake and clean, and love nothing better than to be glued to my side, shadowing my every move.

Coffee date on our historic city square
This year you've started to establish some of your own friendships -- nearly every day you ask if you can play with your two little best girlfriends, A and M, and it's fun to see you growing in your ability to play with other children rather than just next to them.

With A on your way home from school

Playing dress-up with M
I love you, and I love discovering who you are as you grow and your personality continues to unfold. You are a challenge, you are a handful, and you are one of the most hilarious little people I've ever had the privilege of knowing. I'm so glad you're mine.
I love you always and forever,
1 comment:
Jonah is a joy, that's all there is to it. He's usually happy and content and oh, so funny! He's a comedian and doesn't even realize he's bringing the house down. What a natural! I love him lots.
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