Two days ago, on July 6th 2006, Elijah officially one-upped me with regard to bodily injuries.
We were playing on some steps next to our tennis court. Somehow, he tripped off of one of the steps. But when he fell, he only caught himself with one hand, causing a face plant into a plastic truck of Andrew's. The truck cut through his upper lip and he had to get three stitches. He cried a lot at first, but by the time we got home, and also in the emergency room waiting room, he was completely back to his cheerful, cute self. I'm sure it was quite a sight to see a one-year-old with a bleeding upper lip and blood-soaked, white t-shirt, hamming it up with everyone in the waiting room. His lip is healing well, and Andrew is under strict instructions to be extra careful when playing with Elijah.

Then, this morning, July 8th 2006, the boys had just woken up and were playing together in Elijah's crib, when we heard a loud cry. Andrew had, for reasons unknown, thrown a sippy cup at Elijah, cutting the side of his left eye. He didn't need any stitches for his eye, but overall, he definitely takes a beating in stride. He's our little bruiser. Below is a picture that sort of shows both injuries.

how cool! his first scar!
i remember when tim had his hernia surgery when he had just turned three. he already had stitches in his chin from a fall on the playground, and stitches in his forehead where he fell down a flight of stairs and buried a nailhead in his forehead! They called some one in to, "speak with us"! i guess tim's big perpetual half whacked grin convinced them that it wasn't child abuse.
wow! quite a face there!
oh. p.s. the snotty nose really adds to the whole effect!
Poor little guy =( But I can tell he's a fighter! Hope he's doing okay.
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