Here you go:
Your welcome.
The other day while on a webcam chat with Greg, we put Jonah in his Jolly Jumper for the first time (given to Andrew by Poppy and Nana when he was a baby).

The only danger is being "swung" too hard by exuberant siblings.

Once he starts actually jumping in it, I'll get a video of that too.
That jumper is one of the best inventions. Gosh, it still looks new after three rompers. Andrew seemed to be the highest and longest-in-duration jumper. I still remember how he had everyone laughing at G & G Ds.
Lavella is so funny crying over her birthday cake with candles. I almost fell down laughing over her "burn up" cake. It's really cute! Jonah is so adorable at this age. Of course all four of your children are so fun to watch as they grow. You're such a blessing Faith, for the way you're doing an outstanding job raising your kids though I'm sure there are time you wonder if you're doing a good job or not. To me and everyone else's views, I say you are. Of course I pray for you and your family whenever the Lord lay you all on my heart.
God Bless,
Kathy Williams :o)
It must be a stage. Delaney does something similar. When we read books and she has had enough she will point to everything on the page and say "It's poopy." Zoey is very proper and never talks "dirty" so I don't know where she got it from.
That jumper is one of the best inventions. Gosh, it still looks new after three rompers. Andrew seemed to be the highest and longest-in-duration jumper. I still remember how he had everyone laughing at G & G Ds.
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