Lavella and I accidentally coordinated:

OK, so the colors looked more coordinated in person. You'll just have to believe me.

Dudes, for real, I need to clean that mirror.
For posterity's sake, here's my hair, long as ever:

(I've got a chopping plan. But it will not be executed yet. I will discuss further in a future post.)
During the party today, Lavella, hilariously, had yet another cake-related meltdown:

She seemed to be either offended or overwhelmed that the group's singing was directed towards her.

Oh dear.
Things were OK again once the candles were blown out.

The cake was Cinnamon Squares from (need I say?) Baking: From My Home to Yours

It was Very Important to my boys that we use the awful sugary candy decorations on the cake. They've been looking forward to it for months, and they helped me stick them into the frosting. I got an extra sheet of the candies too, in case some child was errantly handed a piece of un-candied cake (the horrors!) Also, I made sure to stick enough candles in so that every child present could participate in blowing them out. Because child spit is important, when it comes to birthday cakes.
The only modification I made to the recipe (besides the child spit) was to double the recipe and serve it straight out of the Pyrex baking dish, rather than turning it out onto a plate.
I think I burned the frosting a tiny bit (it's made of butter and chocolate gently melted together, and I suppose I wasn't all that gentle), but the end effect was that of tiny bits of cocoa nibs in it, which I rather enjoyed.

The cake is made of a cinnamon batter, with a layer of chocolate/sugar/cinnamon/espresso baked into the center. I used Saigon Cinnamon (McCormick's Select), and the sweetness of the higher quality cinnamon really came through. I find that the "regular" cheaper kind can tend to have a bit of a dusty taste, so I now use the Saigon exclusively.
It is clear that I love cinnamon. Also, I'm a bit hopped up on the caffine buzz from COFFEECHOCOLATEYAY!! I would have another piece, but seeing as I do hope to sleep at some point, that would not be a good plan.
The party wasn't a "gift" type of party, which I made clear to all invited, but some of them bent the rules anyway.
Heather brought me flowers:

Tiffany brought a freaking adorable handmade card (yes, she made that) with a Spunky gift certificate inside (I shop there so regularly that I am now friends with the owner.):

Greg had a huge, beautiful cookbook sent to me from Amazon:

I'm not even going to try to explain Alinea restaurant
Not photographed, but also included in gifts were some yummy hand cream and a candle for me and a princess bracelet/barrette set for Daisy from Lori, and a garden play-center from Tiffany.
Thank you to all of the ladies (Heather, Tiffany, Lori, Elaine, Hilary, Chris) who came to the party. Each of you made my day wonderful and special. Having friends like all of you make me feel like the luckiest girl around.
My house is tidy, the children are in bed, and I've just spent a good portion of the evening visiting with Greg on the webcam, while working on my latest sweater:

I also talked with other members of the family. It's been a great day.
I intend to finish out the night spending some quality time with a little pure silk:

(Quality time: spinning it into yarn.)
Also, check out what's just hit the loom:

Yes Aunt Susie. Soon this baby will be all yours.
Happy Birthday!! I'm jealous about your hair. I'm in the process of growing mine out. Mainly for change and so that I can chop it off again. I think it is an addiction. I can't keep one hair style for very long.
Happy Birthday and holy hair!! I seem to remember andrew crying during the singing at one of his birthdays too!
I am upset that Lavella may be scarred for life by lit birthday cakes! ;-) It's really just too hilarious for words. Whenever I have needed a laugh lately I have referred back to the photos of her cake meltdowns and chuckled away!
And yes, Happy Birthday! I had fully intended to send you an ecard yesterday and completely forgot!
Sara had her two foot hair cut off yesterday!...Locks of Love. It's still past her shoulders and layered up...a beautiful cut! She looks fantastic! I will blog photos later today.
My shawl! My shawl! My shawl! I can't wait. I found an absolutely gorgeous Ponti knit that is the exact color of the vanilla. That may become my simple dress. Everyone I have shown the sample to has loved it! Can't wait!
Oh, and, by the way, where did you ever find such a gorgeous apron? ;-)
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