Monday, February 27, 2006

Sandwiches, everyone likes 'em, sandwiches. *

I always assemble sandwiches for Andrew without the top bread, because, what's the point?
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Have you ever seen such cuteness?
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The third little guy is Monkey, Andrew's very good friend, who just moved away on Friday. =(
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* If you are not familiar with this quote, you'd better brush up on your Ghoti Hook trivia. Whoever can name that song will receive special recognition in my next post on top of the fact that you'll know you're cooler than anyone else.


Pinkey the Axe Fairy said...

Um, I hate to make you look stupid, but I'm going to. The quote is, "Sandwich, everyone likes them; sandwiches." And it's at the beginning of, "At Least I'm Not Like All Those Other Old Guys," by FIVE IRON FRENZY!

Anonymous said...

Dear Faith,
I love the pictures. I can't wait to see you all. Blah blah blah. More typical sappy, corny Mom stuff. Jonathan is writing this for me and doesn't feel like typing anything else foolish.

Love, Mommy

MA said...

so THAT is why i couldn't find the quote anywhere on line! i was trying to be cool and tell you i knew what the heck you were talking about. but greg, you're way cooler than i, i guess. =)