Hurrah! Our internet is up once again! Hopefully this time for good. Or else. No idea who I'd speak to since most people at T-Mobil only speak German ("Spricht hier jemand Englisch?" = "Does anyone here speak English?" "Nein, blah blah blah blah something else in Deutsch" Click. Dial tone.) Anyway, enough with the bad.
Today is Friday! My favorite day. As stated in the previous post, the boys and I go out nearly every morning to explore and shop for the days needs (produce, bread and such). The shops are lovely, and I have a few favorites where they know me already and are either kind to my stumbling attempts at Deutsch, or else speak quite good English themselves, which makes things pretty easy. But on Friday, market trucks pull into this hidden square in town to create a Markt Platz with fresh seafood, produce, sausages, cold cuts, bread, and a huge selection of cheeses. They look like large delivery trucks, but one side is missing, and in it's place is a deli counter. (Well, except for the produce cart, which is actually a cart. The egg cart is a cart as well.) I'm not sure if the prices are any better here than at the little shops or the big grocery store, but it thrills me to no end to walk through this doorway of building into an open air market that magically appears every week. This week we loaded up on the produce that we'll need for the weekend (which feels strange to do, since we usually shop for the day only, but stores are only open half-day on Saturday, and most not at all on Sunday.)
There is a produce cart that pulls up behind some buildings right across the street from us Wednesday-Saturday. Yesterday we picked up some grapes that tasted of flowers from there, then some warm pretzels from the bakery, and picked out two kinds of cheese -- one spicy and the other sharp (no idea what the names were, but they tasted good to Andrew and I, so we got 100 grams of each). When we got home and spread it all out on the table for lunch, I had the most wonderful sense of well being and good fortune of living a very good life.

For those of you who care about such matters, I hope to have Greg take a picture of my ever growing belly tomorrow, and will post it soon. Here is a baby update from

Your baby is about 4 to 4 1/2 inches and about 1 3/4 of an ounce. If you could see your baby's face, you might be able to see her wince and grimace, because her facial muscles are developing and flexing. All of her tiny organs, nerves, and muscles are starting to function. The intestines have moved farther into the baby's body; her liver begins to secrete bile, which will later aid in the digestion of fats; and her pancreas begins to produce insulin, a hormone which turns sugar into energy.
Today is Friday! My favorite day. As stated in the previous post, the boys and I go out nearly every morning to explore and shop for the days needs (produce, bread and such). The shops are lovely, and I have a few favorites where they know me already and are either kind to my stumbling attempts at Deutsch, or else speak quite good English themselves, which makes things pretty easy. But on Friday, market trucks pull into this hidden square in town to create a Markt Platz with fresh seafood, produce, sausages, cold cuts, bread, and a huge selection of cheeses. They look like large delivery trucks, but one side is missing, and in it's place is a deli counter. (Well, except for the produce cart, which is actually a cart. The egg cart is a cart as well.) I'm not sure if the prices are any better here than at the little shops or the big grocery store, but it thrills me to no end to walk through this doorway of building into an open air market that magically appears every week. This week we loaded up on the produce that we'll need for the weekend (which feels strange to do, since we usually shop for the day only, but stores are only open half-day on Saturday, and most not at all on Sunday.)
There is a produce cart that pulls up behind some buildings right across the street from us Wednesday-Saturday. Yesterday we picked up some grapes that tasted of flowers from there, then some warm pretzels from the bakery, and picked out two kinds of cheese -- one spicy and the other sharp (no idea what the names were, but they tasted good to Andrew and I, so we got 100 grams of each). When we got home and spread it all out on the table for lunch, I had the most wonderful sense of well being and good fortune of living a very good life.

After the market, we stopped at a bakery to pick up a baguette. Just like my mom did for us when we were little, I found myself tearing off hunks to give to the boys as we walked towards home. Here, they are sitting on a bench (one of the many situated along the streets everywhere -- just for sitting, no other purpose) in front of the Persian rug shop where we will probably make a few purchases soon.
How fun! All of this brings back memories from when I lived in Germany in 1963-1964 and then again from 1968-1972, which was most of my high school, 8th grade to 11th grade.
The small shops, cobblestone streets, and people who try to help you with things despite your very bad German. At least most of them. I used my German phrases and ordered six rooms in a bakery instead of six rolls and the woman chewed me out. "Zimmer" is room and "semmel" is roll, with the "s" sounding like a "z," so it was close. The gist of her tirade was that "you Americans have been in this country for X#@X*&! years and still don't know the language." I just smiled and said, "Danke-schon, auf Wiedersehen," and left.
You'll love the Krist Kindel Markt in December. You'll see vendors with Christmas crafty items, smell the waft of heated candy-coated spicey nuts, and have your fill of bratwurst and brochen (German hot dogs and rolls). Christmas is a festive time of year. Germans don't decorate their trees until Christmas Eve and many use real burning candles on the trees, unless that tradition has changed since I've been there.
I'm so happy you're get to experience Germany--Pete and I loved being there when we met 34 years ago.
You make me want to be there! I could almost taste the flowery grapes and the fresh bread!
Hey, just wanted to tell you that I love you and miss you, even though I was being a b**** on Skype the other day. I was having a hard time, as you well know =p. Anyway, call again soon, cause I miss you...I already said that....
Wow, it all sounds wonderful! The description of all that food made me salivate (of course at this point everything does).
I can't wait to see a belly pic! ~A
You should post pictures of the VW wagoneer
Sorry I mean vw vanagon. Jeep makes somthing called a "wagoneer"
it's actually a caravelle, and we'll have pictures up soon.
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