I wasn't going to post about this because of security concerns, etc, but I'm not sure how I can get through more than a year without sharing about it here with you all. In many ways I use the blog to work through things; getting everything out on the screen often helps me see things more clearly or at least be able to deal with them. At the same time, I don't really want to talk about it, because I feel like paltry words can't effectively communicate the pain of it all. I can't think of a phrase that won't diminish the reality of this time in our lives, and I would never ask for pity or sympathy. This is our life. This is his job.
My husband is my best friend. The idea of life without him is ludicrous.
Greg deployed to Iraq a few days ago. I won't see him again for over a year.
Somehow I'm still breathing, still living, still parenting and caring for my little ones.
When the sun shines, we will play.

Blogged with Flock
Oh my! I can't even imagine. We will definitely be praying for you all. HUGS! ~A
Dearest Faith I want you to know I AM praying for all of you for peace and protection and that you'll sense God's presence more strongly then ever as well as Greg. He's faithful to the end!
In His Peace Always,
Kathy Williams :o)
I've been staring at this entry for a while now and searching for words, but as you said, all seem paltry...
Love you greatly.
I can't help but cry, I know it's silly, but I just can't even imagine the pain and worry you will go through in the next year. You guys will be in our prayers constantly.
I don't say this in any way to sound trite. I'm just saying... Thank God for computers! I can't imagine going through this at all! But I REALLY can't imagine it without any contact like it would have been in the past.
I love you...
Miriam, myself, and the kids all send our love and best wishes. We hope the year goes by quickly and safely for all of you.
Faith, I have thought about your family all week. As the others have said I can't imagine what you are going through. You are a very strong woman and a wonderful mother. I know you and your little people will be ok though all of this. We are praying for you and Greg. Thanks for keeping us updated even when it's hard.
Love to you all,
Amanda & Chase
faith! i did not know greg was gone! you are one of the strongest women i have ever met so i know you will get through...but i can only imagine there will be tougher times than others. please write me and update me! i dont even know where your living currently.
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