Lavella kept running into the waves and laughing, so Andrew was rescuing her. After this picture he said "Mommy, can you please put her over there?", pointing up the beach away from the water.

Everyone knows that when you're dead, you have to stick your tongue out.

Thank you VJ for the bathing suit!

Hannah's due in three weeks, and this is her very first "belly shot".

Bumping bellies.
There are plenty more pictures in the Beach 2008 set on Flickr, and I'll be adding more all week. I'll post the best ones here on the blog, of course, but go there if you want. =)
Blogged with the Flock Browser
How cute is Lavella, prancing along in that suit?
What!!? I'd never guess by that petite belly that Hannah is due in a mere three weeks. How exciting!
It looks like the kids are haveing a blast! I can't believe Hannah is due in 3 weeks! She is so tiny!! We must have a very close due date cause I've got about 3 weeks. It'll be fun to see who goes first :)
Wow Hannah!! You look so gooood! Oh man I was like carrying VJ between my knees at that point- just goes to show you Hannah's got abs of steel! So excited to see the little guy soon!
Wow Hannah!! You look so gooood! Oh man I was like carrying VJ between my knees at that point- just goes to show you Hannah's got abs of steel! So excited to see the little guy soon!
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