We spent a lot of time bike riding, swimming, hiking, and eating at fantastic restaurants (TripAdvisor is a great tool for scouting out restaurants before traveling!) We came back with tons of pictures -- over 200, actually, and I loaded them into our computer. Before I could get a chance to upload them to my Flickr account or back them up on our 2nd hard drive... the main external hard drive crashed. I dearly hope that I can find a company that can retrieve all of the lost data, but this means that those pictures are currently lost. So you'll just have to believe me when I say that we had a wonderful time as a family, and saw gorgeous mountians (the Bavarian Alps), visited a castle (Neuschwanstein, which Disney used as the inspiration for their logo) and rode all over on our bikes with our cute little kids.
When we got home, there were two boxes waiting for Elijah from Aunt Terry and Grandma Annette, and Aunt Mary Ann and Uncle Bob. Each box included another in the line of Sprig Toys -- a big hit! They've been in constant play since the boxes were opened.

Thank you everyne!!
Now this photo, especially for my mom: my tomatoes are finally all staked up!

Also, I just got these new shoes in the mail. I'm suddenly obsessed with 80's inspired shoes.

You can get your own here if you're similarly inclined.
And last but not least, here's the final pictures of the shawl I wove for Aunt Susie. It's currently on it's way over to her. I hope it makes it there safely!

Now we're off for another two weeks of adventures!
Oh, and Greg says that if you are a Ghoti Hook fan and were within 1 hour of Philadelphia last week but did not see the Ghoti Hook reunion show, you're a total looser. But if you click on the link, you can pretend you were there anyway.
Sounds awesome! I'm glad you guys are having some fun as a family. I hope the pictures can be saved! ~A
I'm so glad you had such a great time in Bavaria. Edelweiss: What a gorgeous setting. Pete and I met in Augsburg, which is not too far from where you were staying. That was 37 years ago. I hope you recover the pix & everything. I know what it's like to lose things--right Greg?
Cute shoes.
A. Susie's shawl turned out beeeeeeauuuutiful. She's going to love it.
I hope you can get your pictures!! It sounds like you guys had a great time!!
I hope you can get your pictures!! It sounds like you guys had a great time!!
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