Monday, November 22, 2010

A roller coaster sort of day

Today, there has been much fussing and whining, a lot of hair-pulling and slap-fights, and it seems that my little ones have literally snacked their way through their waking hours.   Every time that I start to accomplish something....THEY'RE HUNGRY AGAIN.  And again.


However, today has also included peaceful moments of newmade playdough (top recipe -- cook slowly on med/low heat for until it comes together for a smooth dough), books, coloring, bike rides with neighbors, and a refreshing morningtime playdate with good friends.


Without the bitter, how could I truly appreciate the sweet?


This afternoon, I finished an adorable, "manly" little earflap ski-hat with a giant pompom on top for my nephew.  I'll get Jonah to model it tomorrow; he's just been tucked into bed for the night.

Tonight, I made Smitten Kitchen's Mushroom Lasagna for dinner, and oh my, it was good.  This is the second time I've made it this month, and it certainly won't be the last.  I highly recommend it!  Sadly though, all 4 of my children are convinced that mushrooms are among the greatest evils. I figure that if I just keep putting it on their plates from time to time, they'll just adapt.  I'll let you know how that works out for me.  (Not even a glimmer of hope at the moment.)

Day 3 of the Boots Project.


Handmade dress (Mendocino pattern), and handknit Black Friday sweater.  Yes, I realize that the boots and black sweater don't really work together in this outfit, but...YAY I'M WEARING IT ANYWAY!  I seriously need some black boots.  Or I need to knit a cream colored sweater.  Probably both.

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