I've bought a bike now too, and have started riding again for the first time in at least 10 years. It's a little intimidating, because now I'm also responsible for Jonah in the babyseat behind me.
Last weekend, we had Nick and Heather over for dinner with their two children. They each have babyseats on their bikes, so they lent us their kid-trailer. We put Elijah and Lavella in it, Andrew road his own bike, and all 10 of us set out for a 40 minute bike ride while I had dinner cooking in the crock pot. I don't have any pictures (shocking, I know), but it was a lot of fun. They've loaned us the trailer for our upcoming vacation so that we can ride around together as a family.
Rapeseed causes many people allergy problems around here with all of the pollen the flowers release, but each spring I enjoy watching the fields explode into electric yellow.

Continuing to be unrelated:
Cute pictures with no captions needed.

Also, these little cheeks are just delicious.

Your children r so precious! I love hearing Jonah cooing. Lavella is so cute in pig tails. Andrew & Elijah r so alike that I can't tell them apart at all. You all r such a blessing watching as the children keep growing. Thank u for sharing with us your life in Germany & to watch the children as they bring smile to me. God bless!
Kathy Williams :o)
The potty one with the single tear in the eye and the upside down book is just too precious for words!
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