Jillian and her brother Ryan picked us up at my parents house at 11am. We got to McGuire Airforce Base at around 3:30. Waited there until 10:30 PM for our flight to be called (there's a family lounge with attached playroom, so it was do-able), and lifted off just before midnight. The children were all fast asleep before we were at cruising altitude, and slept the entirety of the flight. We landed in Germany at around 1:30 or 2PM German time (7:30 or 8 in the morning East Coast time), shopped at the commissary for some much needed groceries, and then finally got back to our apartment.
The children always have trouble with jet-lag for the first few nights, waking up several times to shout things like "is it morning yet??!!" at 10:30PM...or 2AM, whichever. After about three nights though, they were back on track. On the first night at around 11pm, I woke up to a big bang and then Andrew screaming. I ran into their room to find Andrew, who had apparently fallen from his bed on the top bunk (first time he's ever fallen out), and was frantically trying to get into the toybox. Disoriented was a mild word for his face when I walked in. The poor little guy was beside himself, but I hoisted him back up, prayed for him, and all three children went right back to sleep.
I've been crazy busy with the re-organizing of everything -- not only of the boxes we had mailed home and suitcases we traveled with (everyone's clothing needed to be switched out of their drawers to the next size up, small stuff boxed and brought upstairs, sorting of various things, etc.), but also I've been re-organizing our lives here. The children now help me tidy up at the end of the day, and it's wonderful to see them delight in their own handiwork of a neat, clean room when I tuck them into bed. It's a very peaceful feeling to have a well organized life. Our official homeschool curriculum is arriving in the mail any day now, which we will start in earnest next week, so I've needed to get everything in place before that so we're not overwhelmed.
Here are the last few pictures I took before we left NY:

Hannah found a tiny snapping turtle by the side of the road while on a walk, and brought it home for my boys to see

(Can you imagine how hard it is to take a clear picture with a 5-year-old holding the subject?)

I cannot explain the goggles

Lavella, helping me tape up the last box to send back to Germany (or...maybe just trying to get the tape off of her fingers)

Lavella's new backpack from Grandma Claire (purchased at Payless Shoes for those who feel the need to have the same)

Lavella with Isaiah (held by Grandma Claire)

Saying goodnight to Joy on our last night there (she told them various stories and got them completely riled up as only Joy can, but it was the last night, so...)
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1 comment:
I'm so glad you had a nice flight home. Hopefully everyone's sleep will get back to normal soon. How are you feeling? ~A
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