We took a walk on paths that Pete maintains through the woods near their house.

We checked out several of the sturdy bridges Pete has built over each spot that a stream crosses the path.

We stopped at several blackberry patches.

Andrew in a sluice pipe.

Cute little chocolate lab puppies.

Tiny kittens at the barn.

There is a big trampoline in the hay loft over the barn. (And no, I didn't jump on it myself -- but it was fun to watch everyone else!)

And then, just for Greg/Daddy, Andrew and Elijah would like to show this picture of "the thing that shoots balls" in the hay loft:

(NOTE: most of these pictures taken by Nana/Jill)
Blogged with the Flock Browser
That looks like one awesome place to spend the day!
so many memmories!
I have a blog now!
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