Monday, June 20, 2011

Back in Texas, and a visit to the dairy farm

On Saturday morning we packed ourselves into the van and headed back to Texas.  After two days on the road, we pulled into our little neighborhood late last night.  This was one of our best visits with family ever, but it's so good to be back in our own beds!  We brought my littlest sister Rachel back with us (she's 13), and we are planning all sorts of crafting adventures for this summer.

Today we went to the fabric store to stock up on supplies for some of our projects:

The result of a fabric shopping trip with Rachel

So much fun!

For the next few days, I'm will be blogging the rest of our Pensilvania trip, and then it'll be back to the usual Life In Texas stuff.

One of our children's favorite things to do when they're at Poppy and Nana's house, is to go to the dairy farm up the road.  They love playing with whatever new batch of kittens happens to be around,

Daisy with a kitten at the dairy farm

petting the calves,

At the dairy farm, learning where milk comes from

At the dairy farm, learning where milk comes from

watching the cows get milked,

At the dairy farm, learning where milk comes from

At the dairy farm, learning where milk comes from

and, most importantly, jumping on the trampoline in the haymow.

Jumping on the trampoline in the haymow

Jumping on the trampoline in the haymow

Farms can be a pretty exciting place!

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